IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition
Posted: 05/10/2017
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IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition

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Why is there a change?

There have been different reasons why changes to the current regulations are under review, these include:

  • To take account of the technical intent of new or revised CENELEC (European) and if required IEC (international) documents
  • A chance to clarify existing regulations
  • A chance for new technology and methodology to be added into the regulations

Why do they keep changing the Wiring Regulations?

Changes are made regularly to the Wiring Regulations to keep electrical installations up to date and reflect the latest developments and advances in technology for protection against electric shock and fire.

“Adhering to the latest regulations shows your clients that you have their well-being in mind and you’re a mindful and forward thinking business.”

It is, of course, imperative that electrical contractors and installers are aware of any changes so that they can continue to offer a service to their customers which comply with the latest version of the regulations.

What is a ‘Draft for Public Comment’ (DPC)?

The DPC is a stage in the development of a British Standard at which wider consultation is sought. This will show the latest proposed changes to the IET wiring regulations. The purpose of this is so feedback and constructive suggestions/comments to any proposed changes to the IET Wiring Regulations can be considered for their merit, relevance and worthiness.

When published, you will have a chance to contribute or have your say on the proposals and submit your own comments on the draft 18th Edition.

Remember, this is a draft. Anything proposed in this document can be changed and removed before its final publication.

What could change?

The energy efficiency of a building could be a key part of the 18th Edition.

‘Part 8 Energy Efficiency’ is a proposed new section covering energy efficiency considerations as part of the electrical design process.

Other key changes included in the draft which could be part of the 18th Edition include:

  • Protection against Electric Shock
  • Arc Fault Detection
  • Devices for protection against overvoltage
  • Devices for isolation and switching
  • Updated guidance on surge protection

What could these potential changes show us?

These potential changes show that the 18th Edition of the Wiring Regulations will be an evolution of safety.

How Hager are involved with the 18th Edition.

We are closely involved with the development of these changes by providing expert industry representation on the Joint IET/BSI Technical Committee JPEL/64, which has the responsibility for the content of BS 7671 and its Sub-committees.

We also have a team of experts who over the next 18 months and beyond will provide key insight and comment on these changes and how they will affect the industry and you.

What happens next?

The ‘Draft for Public Comment’ closes near the end of August 2017 and the Joint IET/BSI Sub-committees will then review all the comments which have been made.

The 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations is expected to be published on 1st July 2018 and is intended to come into effect on 1st January 2019.

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