Things to Ask to Your Domestic or Commercial Contractor About Fire Safety
Posted: 15/04/2019
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Things to Ask to Your Domestic or Commercial Contractor About Fire Safety

It’s always best to contact a professional rather than attempt do-it-yourself fixes when facing problems with your fire alarm system. With a certified domestic or commercial electrician, you can rest assured that the issue will be resolved effectively and safely.

Now that you’ve bothered to call an expert, you might as well make sure you get value for money. So, be ready to ask the contractor these questions about your home or establishment. This helps to prevent any serious problems while maximising the fire safety service you’re paying for.

1. What are the top fire hazards?

Home or establishment owners should have proper knowledge on how to keep their building safe and free from the risk of fire. That is why it is important to ask a professional like an industrial electrician to identify the common potential fire hazards. This will allow them to prevent a fire from happening in their structures. Some of the top fire hazards to take note are:

Flammable Materials

Papers and cardboard boxes are some of the materials typically found in your property, which can easily be ignited by fire. To prevent them from being ravaged by fire, always keep things clean and orderly. Store all paper products in a safe spot away from any sources of electricity or fire. You also have to discard rubbish and other unnecessary documents to achieve a clutter-free property.

Combustible and Flammable Liquids

If you have any combustible or flammable liquids, you have to be extra careful when it comes to handling and storing them. Read the label to assess the flammability of the substance. When using and storing chemicals, make sure to do it in a secure place with adequate ventilation. Remember that a simple spark could ignite flammable liquid and cause an explosion. If you see any spills, clear them up right away.

Power Sockets

Do not use a defective extension cord and avoid plugging too many devices into a single outlet. Overusing the power socket could cause it to overheat and could potentially start a fire.

Electrical Equipment

Electric appliances must be turned off and unplugged when not in use. Never leave any electrical equipment on overnight. Try to conduct a regular check-up for any loose cables, damaged plugs or broken electrical wires, as these can be fire hazards as well.

2. How do I adapt better fire safety measures in my home or establishment?

As fire could cause huge destruction and injuries, it is essential to utilise fire safety measures. This will keep your family or tenants protected and help you avoid costly damages. Here are some tips to prevent a fire from happening in your property.


Make sure that your electrical control panels can be easily accessed. These panels allow easy power shutdown in case of an emergency so it is important not to block them. Sprinkler, fire-fighting equipment and emergency exits should also be clear from any obstruction.

Good Housekeeping

Too much clutter can provide fuel for a fire and prevent access to exits and emergency equipment. Always keep your property as clean as possible and ensure that all equipment and flammable materials are properly stored.

Hazard Reporting

If you are not a qualified and authorised industrial electrician, do not attempt to repair any faulty wiring or malfunctioning electrical equipment. Instead, immediately contact a professional if you notice any problem. This will ensure that the issue will be addressed properly.

Maximum Security

To prevent arson fires, always lock up your home or building when it is not occupied. You must also report suspicious people or behaviour to authorities to keep your property protected.

Fire Safety Equipment

Installing a smoke alarm in various locations around your property allows for fast and effective detection of fire. It will sound off once it senses potential fire, prompting you to check the nature of the problem and prevent any damage. Also, make sure you have fire extinguishers in place. Look at their gauges regularly to see if they are fully charged and ready for use.

3. How can I prepare my tenants for a fire emergency?

If you own a building, conduct fire drills bi-annually and have a designated location where tenants will meet once they exit the building. Make sure that everyone knows what the proper procedure is. Provide adequate training to your tenants when it comes to handling fire extinguisher as well. Talk with your local fire company regularly to review your plan and to assess its effectiveness.

4. What should I do in case of a fire emergency?

In case of an actual fire, the first ones to save are the non-replaceable items. Locate your family members and pets first and make sure that they are able to escape the burning property immediately. Preserving life is imperative rather than saving any personal effects. If there’s still enough time, gather important documents like your driver’s license, passport, birth certificate and marriage certificate. Once you’ve ensured your safety, report the fire immediately to authorities by contacting emergency phone numbers.

Surrey Tech Services has provided electrical services for a wide range of clients since 2014. We have served both commercial and domestic residencies across London and the surrounding counties. Our professional and reliable team ensures to meet all of our clients’ requirements by providing quality and efficient work. For any enquiries regarding our services, please call us on 0808 168 9497 or send us a message at and our friendly team will get in touch with you promptly.

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