Who Is Responsible for Fire Safety in the Workplace?
Posted: 22/05/2023
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Who is responsible for fire safety in the workplace?
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Who Is Responsible for Fire Safety in the Workplace?

If you’re the owner of a workplace building or are an employer, you’re responsible for fire safety in the workplace. It’s as simple as that, since you’re the one running the facilities or the business.

The government outlines this, listing the responsible people for fire safety in a business or non-domestic building as the employer, the owner, the landlord, the occupier or any other person with control over the premises. This means you need to be compliant with the law if you fall into any of these roles.

The responsible people will need to take ownership of all aspects of fire safety in the building, including arranging for a fire risk assessment, a review of the recommendations, adequate fire detection, planning for emergencies and implementing any required fire safety measures. It also includes the duty to inform, instruct and train staff and their representatives.


Who is responsible for fire safety in the workplace?

Why is fire safety so important in the workplace?

Fire safety in the workplace is hugely important, and not just because of the legal implications it has (we’ll cover that next). The most important thing you need to do as the responsible person is to ensure that everyone else in your business or building is protected from harm.

Minimising the opportunity for fires to start and making sure there are provisions in place should the worst happen means people are less likely to be injured or at risk of losing their lives. Fire safety is something you need to take seriously if you want your employees to truly believe you care about their well-being.

Another reason to place such a huge emphasis on fire safety is to protect your business and building. Many businesses are devastated by fires and some never recover. Think — can you afford a fire? Would you be able to find new premises, recoup losses or replace assets? 


Fire safety in the workplace: Legislation

If the guidance on a moral level or for the benefit of your business isn’t enough motivation to take fire safety in the workplace seriously, there are always your legal obligations. 

The main legislation you need to adhere to is The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – sometimes known as the FSO. This outlines your legal duties, namely ensuring that a fire risk assessment is conducted and that general fire safety practices are upheld.

There are additional pieces of legislation, including the Fire Safety Act 2021 that factor external wells, entrance doors and general building structures into the FSO.

Failure to uphold and meet your legal obligations can have dire consequences, and not just in terms of injuries and damage, since you can face unlimited fines and prison for breaching enforcement notices and not following the regulations.


Fire safety services required in the workplace

There are numerous fire safety services required for your workplace, but the best place to begin is with a fire risk assessment. This will help to establish what fire safety measures you’re missing and what adjustments and plans need to be made. It can also establish any essential fire safety equipment you need to meet the risks specific to your building and business operations, such as fire extinguishers and fire doors.

Another service required for fire safety in the workplace is training for you and your staff. This can be training for nominated fire wardens, training for fire drills and even training on how to use fire safety equipment. It all adds up to enhance knowledge and make people feel more confident in what to do in an emergency.


Fire safety services from Surrey Tech Services 

Here at Surrey Tech Services, we have experience in helping a wide variety of businesses with fire safety requirements. From ensuring the right fire alarm system is in place and installing fire doors that meet regulations, to carrying out fire risk assessments that help guide and improve fire safety in your workplace.

Put your people first and contact us today about any of our fire safety services – we work with building owners, landlords and businesses across a variety of sectors in London and the Home Counties – including Maidenhead, Guildford and Slough.

    Protect your business premises today

    Call us now on 08081 689 497 to find out more about our fire alarm design, installation and maintenance services.
